Posted on 15 February 2021, for

Looking for tech companies

The current reality: thousands of asylum seekers and status holders struggle daily to find employment matching their interests, experience, and ambitions in their host country. Without recognized credentials and in-demand skills, many talented refugees settle for temporary or low-skilled labor, limiting their social and economic integration. 

"Of all the status holders aged 18 to 65 who were granted their asylum residence permit in 2014, only 11 percent were working as employees or self-employed entrepreneurs 30 months later. 86 percent of all status holders aged 18 to 65 are in receipt of a social welfare benefit after 30 months. – CBS, Asylum Seeker Cohort Study 2018 

RefugeeForce is a social enterprise that develops the skills and careers of refugees while bringing talent and diversity to the tech ecosystem. Our program prepares participants with comprehensive technical and professional Salesforce training over a period of 3 months, equipping them with the tools and networks to flourish in the growing tech sector. We aim to boost the underemployed and unemployed refugee population looking for careers in technology and bridge the digital-skills and talent gap in Europe. We  are on a mission to create a more diverse, inclusive, and integrated community of technical professionals. We work towards a world where talent is globally recognized and opportunities are equally accessible. 

We are seeking for companies who are looking to invest in diversity, inclusion, and hidden talent by hiring one of our program alumni. The goal is to provide employment opportunities for under-employed and unemployed refugees in The Netherlands. This will benefit us but helping us meet our mission. More importantly, it will help our participants improve their integration, become financially independent, and do what they love!

Would you like to hear more? Sign up for this project!

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