Posted on 23 February 2022, for Stichting Door

Enthousiast entrepreneurs to help set up Stichting Door

Door is an organization that offers creative development to refugees living between national borders in the Netherlands. The asylum procedure can take a long time. Sometimes people are -temporarily- refused to continue their procedure for a residence permit for an indefinite period. For these refugees without a residence permit, who do live in the Netherlands, but actually live in a completely different dimension, we want to offer a creative workspace where they can develop and also learn to earn their money.

We want to support them by offering them courses where they learn to develop, make and sell their own products. We have opportunities to offer courses in sewing, screen printing, photography and other handicrafts. In addition, courses in the field of branding, marketing and sales. So whether the refugees get their residence permit or not, whether they stay in the Netherlands, go back to their country of origin of emigrants to another country, they have the means to support themselves by making and selling products. 

Test and practice under freedom of speech

Without a residence permit if you have exhausted all legal remedies, you are not allowed to stay in the Netherlands, you are not allowed to work and you cannot participate in regular education. You do have the right to freedom of expression. In the Netherlands you are allowed to sell products to make yourself known to the world. This means that people without a residence permit can sell their products if they use them to express their opinion. For example, if there is a text on the product or on the packaging material, such as: ``I believe in a society with the same rights for everyone'. Or: “A safe place for everyone!”. This allows them to offer their products for sale, gain experience and legally earn money under the freedom of expression. 

Pilot 2021

We have been working on a pilot with ASKV/StichtingRefugees since January this year. We carried out the pilot in May, June and July. Eight participants with product experience followed a product and entrepreneurship course. This was paid for by ASKV and given by Barnet Kansil and Mouhannad Soleman. (Mouhannad Soleman is a product designer and graphic designer. Barnet Kansil is an associated artist, photographer, trainer and has been working with the target audience for years). After the training, meetings followed at Stichting Door in the studio, where the participants were guided during an ASKV debate evening in Amsterdam West in the further implementation of their plans and prepared for the sale of their products.

Our goal is to help people set up the foundation in the areas of: good and effective governance, strategy, multi-year planning and making money. Last year we already did the work as a pilot, on a voluntary basis. With the help of experienced people, we can create a strong and effective organization.

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